1. Always keep in mind the college is of your own
  2. Maintain peace, harmony and common brotherhood
  3. Keep the campus clean and eco-friendly
  4. Protect and preserve college property
  5. Use dustbins for healthy campus.
  6. Save electricity.
  7. Develop personality by instilling moral and ethical values.
  8. Wearing of college uniform and keeping the identity card with student are mandatory.
  9. Maintain discipline and punctuality.
  10. Use library books with care.
  11. Keep silence in class rooms, library and reading room.
  12. Help each and everybody when necessary.
  13. Extend your service for the betterment of the college as well as society.
  14. Keep your vehicles in proper place to maintain discipline.
  15. Visit library regularly.


  1. Practicing ragging is strictly prohibited.
  2. Don't destroy any college property.
  3. Don't make noise and loiter in the barandas.
  4. Don't consume any intoxicating drugs in the college campus.
  5. Spiting, writing on the wall are strictly restricted.
  6. Don't discriminate on the basis of gender, caste, creed and religion.
  7. Don't use mobile phone during class hours and in the library.
  8. Any kind of unruly behavior is strictly prohibited in college campus.

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